
"You are a drug to me." -- 既陰鬱又明亮

如此靜謐的夜裡,聆聽"the Czars"主唱John Grant以低沈渾厚的聲線,詮釋drug,隱隱然地帶有一股悽絕陰鬱的頹美。在迷戀胡同裡,編成一張網,你對我下了藥,在吞雲吐霧間,瞥見了眼裡一隅殘存溫柔,"This is not ecstasy, but it's better than cocaine"。

the Czars - Drug
Leonard Cohen - In My Secret Life
IVY- Thinking about U
IVY - Keep Moving
IVY - Tess don't tell
IVY - Clear My Head
Travis - Driftwood
Travis- the last laugh of the laughter
Travis - Hit Me Baby One more time
IVY - Ocean City Girl
Travis - Turn
Bush - Letting the Cables Sleep
Azure Ray - Displaced
Azure Ray - November
Train - Let it Roll
Jan Arden - Insensitive
Keren Ann - La Disparition
R.E.M. - Everybody Hurts
David Gray - Babylon